A great alternative to loneliness

Acharya Prashant
7 min readMar 31, 2020

Loneliness is when you are not alright with yourself. Loneliness is when you are just not okay with yourself. Aloneness is when you are alright with yourself.

When you are not alright with yourself, obviously you will seek an alternative to your company. I’m not okay with myself, so what will I need? I’ll need somebody else to be with. That is the state of the lonely person. His self is the ego. And the ego lives in great contradictions, therefore, great conflict.

The ego does not really like itself. The ego labels itself as unworthy and incomplete. Therefore, the ego cannot just be with itself and feel fine. The ego must necessarily reach out to the world and want a companion.

Can there be somebody to relate to? Can there be somebody to sit with, fill myself up with, form a bond with? Can there be somebody else I can look at? Because if I look at myself, all I see is nonsense. Worse still, if I continue looking at myself, then I see that I’m false and I don’t exist, so I don’t want to look at myself.

If I am all alone with myself, it becomes a very dangerous situation for me. First of all, I feel uncomfortable, and if the situation continues for long, then the situation threatens my very existence. If I am only with myself, I have nobody else to look at but myself. And if I look at myself, then I won’t…

