Celebrate duality, that’s all that there is

Acharya Prashant
4 min readFeb 23, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner (Q): I have fear and greed, thus a life of duality. How long to live like this? Should I try to force a change?

Acharya Prashant (AP): There is no other life and duality is wonderful. Duality is sacred. There is nothing reprehensible about duality. Can there be duality without the non-dual? Can there be duality? What lies at the source of all duality? It’s just that we do not see the imprint of the source upon all dualistic events and that is the only thing that is needed, duality will still exist. Without duality, how will we talk? Without duality, there is no Prashant and no Mudit otherwise, there is just the ocean, the beautiful ocean, and nobody to watch the ocean.

Do you know what is duality? Duality is Truth wanting to know itself. Duality is the source enjoying itself by dividing itself into two. That is what duality is. There is nothing evil about duality. It’s wonderful. Without you how will the source know itself? Without you, how will the source know what is it to fail, what is it to suffer? So, you are important. All our sufferings, failings, all imperfections are important. They are alright; otherwise, there is just ‘shoonya’. What else is there?

