Compassion does not weep with the other; compassion cleanses the other || On Advaita Vedanta (2019)

Acharya Prashant
5 min readMay 20, 2024

Questioner: Acharya Ji, today I was reading about brain and conditioning. Our brain is affected by experiences all the time, and these experiences put the brain in a certain form and cause deformities also. I have some memories about some people that do not allow me to feel free. I feel a certain uneasiness when I think about them. What is kṣamā or forgiveness? What is the dayā or compassion? Kindly show me some light on this.

Acharya Prashant: Forgiveness is to not have the need to forgive. As long as there is a need to forgive, it means you are still sticking to the small things in the brain; hurts, distortions — you are still talking about those little things. You feel offended. Because you feel offended, so the question of forgiving the other person arises: “Should I forgive, should I not forgive?”

Real forgiveness is when you have gone beyond the little things of the brain and have totally forgotten the hurt. That which you are calling as permanent distortion of the brain is nothing but the attachment of ‘I’-self to all the little taints. The distortion does not just stay on; the distortion stays on because you get attached to it.

It’s like something staining your clothes or your skin. Do you know how the stain happens…

