Dismiss the very center of thoughts
Somebody suggests you something, by following his suggestion you find that your misery is deepening, your darkness is deepening, what do you do with the suggestion? You dismiss it. Do you dismiss only the suggestion? No, you also dismiss the one who has been suggesting.
And you have been following these suggestions since long. Sometimes you see how much pain comes out of these suggestions, sometimes you don’t. As a result, you feel that some of your motivations are good for you, and some are not.
You feel some of your actions are good, and others are not. You feel some of your thoughts are good, and others are not. Isn’t it very common to see people distinguishing between positive thoughts and negative thoughts?
We are prepared, at most, to dismiss some of our motivations, our urges.
But even when we dismiss them, we dismiss them relatively.
We dismiss the ‘bad’, in relation to the ‘good’.
Which means every time we dismiss the ‘bad’, we end up accepting something else as ‘good’.
Every time you dismiss something ‘bad’, you end up accepting something that you call as ‘good’.
So the rejection is never total.
In fact, it has not been the rejection at all. It is a zero-sum game…