Do not try to be aware in ‘some’ situations

Acharya Prashant
3 min readOct 7, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner: What does it really mean to be passively aware in day-to-day life? Whenever someone tries to hit me personally, the reaction happens. But the realization that the personality is defending is not instantaneous. So, how to maintain awareness in such instances, when one feels personally attacked?

Acharya Prashant: The questioner is saying she wants to maintain awareness in instances when she is attacked. And should I read it to mean that you do not want to maintain awareness, in instances, when you are the attacker? If you can get the incompleteness of your question, you will realize why awareness eludes you.

Awareness is total so you cannot get it in half.

You want to remain aware only in moments of crisis. You want awareness to help you out, only when you are attacked.

But when you are enjoying all kinds of pleasures, then you do not want awareness, do you?

When pain hits you, then you cry out awareness, awareness. But in your moments of pleasure, you forget all about Ashtavakra, Rumi, and Acharya Ji. You say, ‘Now, we are anyway happy and the aim of all spirituality is to give happiness, so why do we now need spiritual help?’

