Do you know what you are so afraid of?

Acharya Prashant
17 min readJan 10, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Here is a quote from the essay “Listen, Little Man!” And it’s the great man or the big man talking to all the little men:

“I have known you, shared your experiences; I’ve known you in myself. As a physician, I’ve freed you from what is small in you; as an educator, I’ve often guided you on the path of integrity and openness. I know how bitterly you resist your integrity, what mortal fear comes over you when called upon to follow your own, authentic nature.”

— Excerpt from the book “Listen, Little Man!”

The question is can you please elaborate on how a man keeps resisting his integrity and true nature? What are those morbid fears that cripple man when he wants to follow his heart? Relating to the same excerpt, the same point, another questioner asks that when man tends to move to his true nature or individual greatness, people around him are inevitably going to get hurt because of their expectations from him but this hurt experienced by others leads to this seeker of…

