Do you really need knowledge, power and money to love?

Acharya Prashant
4 min readApr 15, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (diaogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: When I see any children in a slum or working in a construction site, I feel like giving them all the knowledge, or at least help them to study the basic things, but then a thought comes that I am still not in a condition to help anyone, first acquire knowledge and get a job so that I am able to financially support anyone.

Acharya Prashant: How much knowledge do you want to acquire? Let’s say, you invest all your life in acquiring knowledge, how much of that would you have by the end of your life? Let’s say all your current knowledge is 1 GB and the remaining life is invested all in just adding to this database. How much would you have in your hundredth year? Give me a number.

Listener: 1 TB.

AP: What about 10100 TB? Is that kind of knowledge possible or not?

L: It is.

AP: Even if you have all the knowledge that you can have, how much would still be left to be known?

L: A lot more.

AP: Infinitely more. Do you want to wait to get knowledge? You’ll keep waiting because knowledge is endless.

