East meets West on climate change || With BARD College (2022)

Acharya Prashant
7 min readMar 30, 2024

Questioner (Q): It is a true honor to be here today talking with you about climate change. I am an economist and the director of the graduate programs of sustainability in Bard College of New York. Along with my colleagues, we are making an effort to create a worldwide teach-in on climate and justice. We are seeking to really tap into the deep concern that so many educators, teachers, students and staff members of universities and colleges and schools around the world have about climate change.

Global warming is probably the biggest fundamental challenge facing humanity and the other creatures of this planet today. Our belief is that most students now understand the fundamental science of climate change; they understand that we are putting pollution in the atmosphere and that is trapping the heat, which is causing the atmosphere to warm up. But by and large they are just in despair about this, and as a consequence they are ignoring it because they feel that there is nothing they can do. So, they just live their lives kind of pretending that it’s not happening.

The idea of these teach-ins is that these thousands, tens of thousands, millions of educators around the world who care about climate change and are concerned about the issue, can move these students from a sense of despair to a real sense of possibility and…

