Forget all talk of this moment, and then you are living in the moment

Acharya Prashant
3 min readNov 12, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): Sir we talked about ‘now’. We look at the past, conditioning starts getting activated. If we look at the future, fear gets activated. But if we look at the ‘now’, because there is only this moment, this ‘now’, so can we say that this moment is timeless? It’s not in time?

Acharya Prashant (AP): No. When you say, “This moment”, you always mean it in the context of the previous and the next moment. So this moment is a part of the stream of time. You can say ‘this moment’ only when you forget to say ‘this moment’. If you remember this moment it means you are remembering using your memory and your memory is time.

Q: Sir, ‘now’…

AP: When you say ‘now’, you always say ‘now’ in the context of yesterday and tomorrow.

Q: So ‘now’ is only now?

AP: What is it right now?

Q: It is absolutely static.

AP: Where are you right now?

Q: I am moving in the now.

AP: So you are there?

Q: Yes.

AP: If you are there, and remember that you are the product of your past, if you…

