From loneliness to creativity

Acharya Prashant
3 min readAug 5, 2020

There is nobody who is at any given point too far away from crying, there is nobody who is too far away from breaking down. Oh! We have trained our tears to not to be disobedient, so they don’t make unrequited appearances.

We are social beings you see. We very well know the right place where to discharge any of the bodily fluids, including tears! One should not discharge in the open, even from the eyes. We are cultivated people, you know!

But look at your face. Look at the face of your neighbor, look at the face of your child, or husband, or wife. And if you have not trained yourself to be totally insensitive, you will know what the entire misery of this world is about. And that’s not something to feel bad about, that only shows that we are not totally dead yet. That only shows That which is calling us, has not yet given up upon us.

If That which calls us would give up upon us, you would not feel what you feel, you would become accustomed to suffering.

The very fact that we dislike suffering, that we suffer in suffering, is proof that something beyond suffering is constantly calling us.

That is proof that suffering is not our nature.

And that is proof that one need not get adjusted to living a lukewarm life.

