Fulfilling your deepest dream

Acharya Prashant
4 min readJun 29, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner: I was reading about the two kind of dreams that we dream. I read the first one, which is we are trying to fulfill that we are not and the second one is more like visionary and I stop; and then I could not read any further. I would like if you can expand on that the second kind of the dream that you talked about.

Acharya Prashant: Yes.

We live in dreams; every dream is a hope. Man is a creature that lives in time, in hope, in future.

Hopes, dreams are of two kinds — one something better will happen to me in the future, I find that I am not alright right now and I want to improve, I want betterment, I say it will come to me in the future; that is one kind of dream, a way of hoping then the other one is — I observe myself and I find myself hoping and dreaming and wishing and I say, “No, this is not my nature, I must live in my nature, I must not live in hope.” Now, this a strange hope, the hope to not hope, the desire to come to the end of all desires.

There is one kind of desire that feeds desire, that fuels desire, that ask for more desires. That is how we normally desire, right? One desire leads to another one and then there is a desire to end.

The desire to end is the

