Give your best time to the Best One

Acharya Prashant
4 min readOct 26, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

“You failed to know your Love in your youth

Wake up and see your Love is gone.”

~ Saint Kabir

Acharya Prashant (AP): Youth refers to a time when you are physically neither dependent nor incapable. After a particular time, you become physically incapable. And what happens to the rest of the body also happens to the brain. There is senility and there is a lack of memory and such things. And before a particular age, you don’t have enough grey material. So that is why in the spiritual domain, youth has a very special place.

That which is your highest goal surely requires the best of your abilities. If your goal is a worthy goal then it requires the best of your abilities.

And the best of your abilities include your physical abilities as well.

So the best time to chase that highest goal, which is Truth or God, is during your youth. You cannot do it when you are a kid, and you cannot do it when you are too old.

There is a great difference between spirituality and morality here. Spirituality clearly says, give your best time to the One who is the best. Spirituality…

