Going with the flow, and being a lazy loser

Acharya Prashant
9 min readNov 16, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: How to differentiate between and recognize, whether one trusts in the universe to unfold one’s destiny and goes with the flow, and allows the life to unfold, and be the one who is a loser, who is lazy and does nothing?

Acharya Prashant (AP):

The lazy one does a lot.

The lazy one is lazy and inactive, only externally.

Internally, he is very active.

The ones we call ‘lazy’, are not lazy at all. They may not move their limbs, but their minds are very active. Absolute laziness is a supreme virtue. Sages like Ashtavakra have sung greatly in praise of ‘Divine laziness’.

‘Divine laziness’ is a total stopping of all movement; coming to that point within, where nothing moves at all.

That’s why it is being called ‘lazy’.

You know, there is a song, a Gita. You have heard of the Bhagwad Gita of Krishna, there is another Gita, called ‘the Ajgar Gita’ (The Gita of the Great Python). Do you know Python? It just keeps lying somewhere, doesn’t move. It’s an icon of laziness. So that Gita is known by the Ajgar (the Python). This Gita is devoted to inaction.

