Have much? Get more. Have little? Lose all! || Acharya Prashant, on Jesus Christ (2015)

Acharya Prashant
8 min read2 days ago

For to the one who has will be given more and he will have more than enough. But the one who does not have even what he has will be taken away from him

-(Bible, Matthew 25:29)

Speaker: The one who already has, shall be given more and more and more. The one who has not, shall be deprived of even that which he has.

This sounds very unlike our image of God. He is giving to those who already have and he is taking away from those who do not have. What is this thing about having and not having? The only thing if it can be called so, worth having, is God himself. Call him Truth, call him Love, call him Freedom, Simplicity, Joy, Realization, whatsoever, you may pick the word according to your conditioning depends on you, but that is the only thing worth having.

Lovers say that when we have Love, we do not want anything else. Those who saw Truth, they said after Truth what else is needed? Those who got Freedom, they said Freedom is freedom from wanting itself. So after Freedom what else can you want? But whosoever sought it always said that this is the one, only ultimate thing to be had- Truth, Love, Freedom, God.

Now, here we have Jesus saying that who has shall be given more, and that is the thing about…

