Having faith in the Truth, step out

Acharya Prashant
2 min readJul 4, 2020

It happens with many people, specially with people who have intellect, who can observe - they see the falseness of the world. It is not very difficult, they see that the world is deceptive, that expectations become your burden. They see all that which is impermanent, all that which is the basis of suffering, yet they remain confined in all that. Why?

Because in spite of seeing all that they have no faith that something else exists. So their argument is - it might be very bad house but it is still the only house that I have, so I have to stay here.

Unless you have reason-less faith that something else does exist, that something else is possible even though you only faintly know it, unless you muster the courage to open the doors of your house and look at that something else, you will not be able to get rid of even a burning house.

You will burn yourself along with the house.

Even if your house is burning, first you have to be convinced that there is a place outside the house which is not burning, where there is peace. For that, sometimes you must walk out of your house. You wouldn’t come out of your house if you are deeply convinced that there is nothing outside the house, or that which exists outside the house is tremendously difficult or challenging or unacceptable. You will not come out.

