Honest Observation is detachment itself

Acharya Prashant
4 min readSep 5, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: Acharya Ji, how does one look at this life, observe himself and yet not get involved with that which he is observing?

Acharya Prashant: If one is really observing, then the distance is natural. When you will observe your life, what will you see? You will see that everything that appears so important today is no more important tomorrow. You will see that nothing stays. Coming and going is the nature of all things. If you are honest in your observation, you will also see that there is nothing called a permanent self.

The one who was looking at things five years back, or two years back, or even two weeks or two hours back, is no more the one who is looking at things right now. And when you will see all this, when there will be honesty in observation, then obviously it will become very difficult for you to forcibly maintain a stickiness with the objects of observation.

You stick to something only when you find some kind of solace there, peace there, assurance there. One sticks to something only in the expectation of finding a support there. But when you really observe the nature of things, Universe, and even your own inner self, you see that there is nothing worth relying there. There is really nothing you can

