Honesty- a direct uncorrupted movement from self to action

Acharya Prashant
4 min readJul 2, 2022

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Acharya Prashant (AP): When you say ‘honesty is the best policy’ to a kid in school, you are validating honesty but more than honesty you are validating policies. You are on the side of honesty; that is obvious. You are saying ‘honesty is the best policy’; so you are advocating honesty. What we do not notice is that simultaneously we are also advocating…?

Listener 1 (L1): Policies.

AP: Yes and what are policies?

L1: Man-made rules, and regulations.

AP: Policies are alternatives, policies are choices. I may do this or I may not do this. All policies are decisions and you have made honesty into a…?

Listeners (in unison): Policy.

AP: Decision, and the moment you say it’s my decision, to be honest, you are saying that I am bigger than honesty. I am choosing honesty and I reserve the right to…?

L2: Not to choose honesty.

AP: Yes, not to choose honesty. So, alright honesty is big but policy is bigger, and whose policy?

L2: My policy.

AP: So, ultimately who is the biggest?

