How does thought divide?

Acharya Prashant
4 min readMar 18, 2020

It is not so much about thought, it is about the point where thought arises from. There is that center of existence which relies very heavily on itself. And what does it mean by itself, the body, the world, all that it sees, thinks, touches, eats, glance, consumes, all that which I broadly refer to as material. There is that center of existence. If one operates from that center, then one takes material very very seriously. If you are someone who looks towards material with hopeful eyes, aiming for an internal completion, then the material would be very very important for you. After all, who are you?

You are someone who feels incomplete and you are looking towards the material for the sake of completion.

Material and thought in some sense are one. Material arouses thought in you and thought can do things with material. If you have a lump of wet clay in front of you, you can think of a hundred possibilities, can’t you? So, thought acts upon material. Material and thought go together and the intermediary is intellect. And that’s how man is a little different from animals. Man has an advanced intellect. An animal can do only a few things with the material. An animal looks at a tree, what does the tree mean to the animal? Maybe some food, maybe some shade or maybe a nest. That’s all. That is a limited relationship of the animal with the material. Man has a more complicated, call…

