How important is intuition?

Acharya Prashant
5 min readAug 22, 2020

प्रभ कै सिमरनि सहजि समानी ॥ Parabẖ kai simran sahj samānī.

Remembering God, one is absorbed into the state of intuitive ease.

~Sukhmani Sahib

(Guru Granth Sahib, Page: 263)

Questioner: Pranaam Acharya Ji, What does ‘intuitive ease’ mean? Is it in some way related to the intuitions that we have? What is the place of ‘intuitions’ is one’s life?

When I act spontaneously in certain situations I feel that my intuitions take care of those situations. I feel more at ease when my actions are spontaneous and driven by intuitions rather than conscious though-based responses.

Acharya Prashant: The word ‘intuitive’ here in this verse is just figurative. It does not really mean that God has something to do with your intuition.

What is ‘intuition’?

Intuition is the knowledge contained in the subconscious mind, even a child has intuition. The child has no knowledge, knowledge resides in the conscious mind. Intuition is knowledge bestowed upon you by long journey that you have had in prakriti (nature).

In general when you have experiences as a living, conscious being, those experiences turn into some kind of knowledge. Don’t they? But even before you are born from a human womb you have had a trillion…

