How to have faith?

Acharya Prashant
2 min readMar 23, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): How can one develop faith within oneself?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Adita, you have asked:

“Suppose a person realizes that the whole problem is because that faith is missing. Can it be regained? Can a person who does have faith, get it? How can one develop that faith within oneself? “

How do you know that asking this question to me will be helpful?

How do you know that there is anything called the Truth and that the Truth can be known?

And lastly, how do you know that it makes sense to keep living?

We already have faith. Faith is not to be obtained. You have it.

But the ego stands in front of the faith. The ego does not want to surrender. The poor thing is so afraid, it wants to fight.

Tell ego, “Dear kid, there is no need to worry. You are in safe hands. Relax.”

The ego will ask for some kind of proof, some reassurance. So ask the ego to look attentively at everything that can be looked at.

Ask her: Don’t you see that everything on Earth is just fine for you to live?

