How to manage Karma? How to control anger?

Acharya Prashant
6 min readDec 25, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: Acharya Ji, what is karma (action)? What is karmafal (fruits of action)? How to be free of the fruits of actions?

Acharya Prashant (AP): What is this thing called ‘Karma’?

Listeners (L): Sins. Doing the wrong things knowingly or unknowingly.

AP: Don’t be the same person who did all those things. If you remain the same person who did all those things, then your efforts towards erasing those things would just be a reinforcement, a reiteration of the very same things in another form.

Please understand.

I was someone who was very violent in the past and caused a lot of hurt to people through my violent behavior. And now I remain the same. Who am I? The violent one. But now I want to erase my ‘bad karma’ as our friend says. But who do I still remain? The violent one. And what would any act of this violent one comprise of? Violence. So even when I am trying to erase my so-called sins of the past, I would be indulging in further violence.

Freedom from karma (deeds) is not obtained through more karma. It is obtained through a dissolution of the karta, the doer. The one who did all those things has to be given a farewell.

