How to remain free from the hurt and sickness of others?
The following excerpt is from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.
Question (Q): Dear Acharya Ji, you have said that what is healthy is forgotten, what is sick is remembered. If something is bothering me and making me restless, is it always that I am sick? Can there also be a way where I am healthy but the sickness of the other person is bothering me? Can you please give clarification on this?
Acharya Prashant (AP): Sickness is always the ‘other.’ Sickness is anyway never yours. I am not merely saying that sickness belongs to the others, I am saying, sickness is the ‘other,’ and parallelly the other is the sickness. So, it doesn’t make matters any better for you.
Even it is proven that the sickness that is bothering you, comes from the other. Even if you are identified with sickness still it is the other.
Your nature is not sickness. Your essence is not sickness.
So, obviously wherever whenever there is sickness, it is foreign, it is something else, it is somebody else.
You are asking what do I do if somebody else’s sickness is bothering me? If somebody else’s sickness is bothering you then you have contracted that sickness.