How to solve world problems?

Acharya Prashant
3 min readFeb 22, 2020

The world’s problems are solved by not taking the world as real.

Understand this: The world’s problems are solved by those who do not contribute to those problems. The world’s problems are not solved by those who take the world seriously. The world’s problems are actually solved by those who know that the world does not mean anything. Hence, leave the world to itself. If you can leave this earth to itself, will global warming be there?

When you know that all this doesn’t mean anything, then the world’s problems are taken care of. And that is the only way problems like global warming will be taken care of. When you know that, “I do not need to exploit the earth because all this doesn’t mean anything”; when you will know that, “I do not need to burn fossil fuels to travel here and there because anyway all these luxuries and indulgences do not mean anything”; when you realize that the world doesn’t mean anything, then the world’s problems are solved.

Who creates the world’s problem? The one who thinks that the world is attractive; it has a lot of meaning.

When the world holds a lot of meaning and attraction and relevance and significance for you, then you create problems in the world. “Oh! Let me invade that country. Why? — Because it has oil. And oil has a lot of significance for me.” So, now you will begin a forty-year…

