How to stay spiritual all the time?

Acharya Prashant
4 min readAug 30, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant

Question (Q): When I read spiritual books, it feels like I am conditioning myself in a different way. Sometimes worldly desires take over me, and I am not able to stay spiritual all the time.

What can I do, to stay spiritual all the time?

Acharya Prashant (AP): See, spirituality is not something that you can pick off the shelf, and start practicing. Who told you that the yama and niyam that you are practicing, are the best for you? (The questioner had raised a question related to spiritual practices earlier in the Satsang).

Q: But, as the Yoga Sutra says….

AP: Were the Yoga Sutras told to you?

Q: But we have to practice them, and follow them.

AP: Who mandated it? Did Patanjali recite the Yoga Sutras to you? How do you know that they are meant for you?

Q: How do we then, what is meant for us?

AP: Then you have to go and ask someone who knows. You don’t seem to be trying. You seem to have concluded. You seem to have come to the conclusion that the yama and niyama path will take you beyond your self.

You have already started implementing something. You are not even at the…

