How was the ego created?

Acharya Prashant
4 min readSep 8, 2020

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Acharya Prashant (AP):

Ego was not really created.

Ego is being created all the time.

Would silence ever ask this question? So, ego has been given a fresh breath of Life, when one professes ‘ignorance’ or ‘knowledge.’ If you ask something about go, if you say “what is ego?” The answer would be this; the one who is asking. The question itself is ego. How was the question created? By asking. How was the ego created? You tell me, you asked.

How did you come to believe? How do you continuously keep believing that firstly, you do not know and secondly, the knowledge is important? In this moment, from where did this thought arise in you that you do not know? And this beautiful moment of Silence, what makes you think that something additional in the form of knowledge needs to be added?

If two people are sitting together in intimacy. Is the moment not already complete? Do they further need to beautify the moment by adding questions to it? Ego is this that which feels that knowledge is needed, that which feels that the world is incomplete, that which feels that it needs support. A beefing up, a furtherance, that is ego. If you are silent there is no ego because you will not be asking about the genesis…

