Identify with God

Acharya Prashant
2 min readAug 11, 2020

When Jesus is acting and he is doing, then it is not arising from a motivation to serve his own personalhood. He has already arrived. He is home. He does not want to go anywhere or reach or become better. He is now merely doing. He is not aspiring. He is the doer, not someone who wants to be transformed through the doing.

When you just do then you have the right to call yourself the doer.

You are not discontented, your tendencies are discontented.

Fear is subjugating you. Fear has dominated you to the extent that it has stolen your identity. So in spite of you not being the doer, fear being the doer, you identify with the doer because you’re identified with the fear. You are not getting mad in lust, it’s your deep latent sleeping tendencies that are so lustful.

But because you in your ignorance, in your childish cleverness fight the truth, so you have no option but to identify with lust. And when you identify with lust, the doing of lust becomes your doing.

Very often you have to pay the price in spite of you not being the culprit.

What does it mean to identify with God? It means to identify with completeness.

Identify with God.

Give yourself up, and if you cannot do that then submit yourself as you are to the truth, that’s what the…

