If I find no joy in living, what success am I talking about?

Acharya Prashant
2 min readDec 25, 2019

We say: “I must have money, I must have a reputation, I must have good grades, I must have a particular kind of body, I must have a boyfriend or a girlfriend.” That is what success is to us.

It would be wonderful if someone could come up and say: “What is this? You can cry about this success and that success, but success depends upon where I am. If I am a kid, then riding a bicycle may be a success for me.”

So, success just depends upon living a moment in its fullness. There is no other success. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, if you are completely into it, that is success, you are already successful then. Now it does not matter if you get a certificate for it or not.

Success is not a certificate given by somebody else. Success is not a grade sheet. Success is not how many marks somebody gives you. Success is not what your friends call you. Success is not a particular number in your bank account or a particular number upon your report card. Success is the joy of living. If I find no joy in living, what success am I talking about? I am a complete failure!

All the time, I am tensed and bothered about my results. If I am all the time worried about what will happen after two months, I am surely a big failure.

