If sex is sex and food is food, then you are home

Acharya Prashant
9 min readDec 22, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): Some things that I still like, for example, I like sex or good food, some other things; could that be blocking me from realization? Or it’s not that?

AP: See how simply you can accept that you like food or sex. How simply you can accept that. It’s okay, it’s fine.

The only thing that you can call a block is the thing that you do not acknowledge. So you are blocking, that is the block. You are blocking the acknowledgment. One has, as an offshoot of Prakriti, as a current in the whole flow of Prakriti, all the right to like good food, like good sex, like this and that, be entitled to his likes and dislikes; be honest.

Be honest; what was this? Good sex. Now don’t call it love and commitment. Be honest; what was it? Good food. Now don’t say, “it was a great spiritual experience.” What was it? It was a good intestinal experience. It was a good experience of the tongue. Now don’t say, “It satisfied my soul.”

Listener 1 (L1): But that would still be desire, I am still acting out of desire.

AP: Let the desires be there, what is so wrong with desires?

