If you are born of humans, can Krishna be your Source?

Acharya Prashant
8 min readJan 4, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

एतां विभूतिं योगं च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वत: ।

सोऽविकम्पेन योगेन युज्यते नात्र संशय: ।। 10.7 ।।

etāṁ vibhūtiṁ yogaṁ cha mama yo vetti tattvataḥ

so ’vikampena yogena yujyate nātra sanśhayaḥ

He who in reality knows these manifold manifestations of My being and (this) yoga power of Mine, becomes established in the unshakable yoga; there is no doubt about it.

~ Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 10, Verse 7

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अहं सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्त: सर्वं प्रवर्तते ।

इति मत्वा भजन्ते मां बुधा भावसमन्विता: ।। 10.8 ।।

ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate

iti matvā bhajante māṁ budhā bhāva-samanvitāḥ

I am the origin of…

