If you can’t dance with a stranger, then you can’t dance

Acharya Prashant
6 min readDec 10, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: Last night you said before the Anhad session, that the sound is not coming from the dholak, but is coming from somewhere else. But during Anhad, even this thing was interrupting that, you know, that the sound, it is coming from somewhere else. This thought was interrupting at that moment.

Acharya Prashant (AP): So, it was interesting, or was it not? “I am dancing, and the sound is coming from somewhere beyond. And so right now there is a connection with the beyond. What is beyond? From where is it coming? So tempting!”

It’s a poor dholak, lying somewhere.


See, that’s what it is like to go into the facts. This is what it means. Go into the fact of this thing — Anhad. “If it is coming from the dholak, then it is coming just from the dholak. How can I surrender to the dholak?” So, it is decided that I cannot surrender. “If it is not coming from the dholak, then I must go, run, rush, figure out, find out, from where it is coming. At least guess, be interested in.”

Listener (L): Then I will surrender.

AP: Then, “When am running, finding out, feeling interested, then it is not the moment to…

