If You Love The Sky, You Will Grow Wings.

Acharya Prashant
5 min readSep 23, 2019

The question is; I want to get rid of some compulsive habits and some compulsive thoughts. There are some aspects of my personality that I do not like. I want to get rid of those aspects.

Also, I want to know how to develop unwavering attention.

It’s such an easy demand, you know. (laughter)

It’s a small question.

You are what you want.

If you want to change who you are, then you will have to want something radically different.

Your destination, your desire decides your constitution.

You become what you intend to achieve and be.

If you love the mud, you will become an earthworm.

If you love the Sky, you will grow wings.

Your entire personality will change.

That’s what you want, right? The entire personality must come apart. Then you have to change what you Love.

If you love the mud, then you cannot grow wings. Can you? if you love the mud, all you will get is a mud-worm. Do you have love for the Sky? If yes, the personality will change…

