Is anything, anybody so important? || Acharya Prashant,on Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (2017)
“स यथा सैन्धवघनोऽनन्तरोऽबाह्यः कृत्स्नो रसघन एव, एवं वा अरेऽयमात्मानन्तरोऽबाह्यः कृत्स्नः प्रज्ञानघन एव; एतेभ्यो भूतेभ्यः समुत्थाय तान्येवानुविनयष्यतिति,
न प्रेत्य संज्ञास्तीत्यरे ब्रवीमीति होवाच याज्ञवल्क्यः ॥ 4.5.13 ॥
sa yathā saindhavaghano’nantaro’bāhyaḥ kṛtsno rasaghana eva, evaṃ vā are’yamātmānantaro’bāhyaḥ kṛtsnaḥ prajñānaghana eva; etebhyo bhūtebhyaḥ samutthāya tānyevānuvinayaṣyatiti,
na pretya saṃjñāstītyare bravīmīti hovāca yājñavalkyaḥ || 4.5.13 ||
“As a lump of salt has neither inside nor outside
And is altogether a homogeneous mass of taste
even so this Self my dear has neither inside nor outside
And is altogether homogeneous mass of intelligence.
This Self comes out as a separate entity from the elements
And with their destruction this separate existence is also destroyed
After attaining this Oneness, it has no more Consciousness
This is what I say, my dear, So, said Yajnavalkya”
~ Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Verse 4.5.13