Is love a trick of physical nature?
Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.
Question: I don’t understand how we’re using the word love as an aroma of the infinite and what we experience is it a trick of nature?
Acharya Prashant (AP): It’s mostly a trick of nature, physical nature.
Love really is, when it empowers you to discard, discard, discard. To love is to be pushed towards something and if you are really being pushed towards that one thing, which is really a non-thing, then you will have no business fiddling with other things. You will then get all the courage and detachment to leave everything else behind.
It is that, that I’m looking at and everything else is inconsequential, so what do I do with it? I leave it behind.
If love is real, it will be marked by the courage and the simple inclination to discard, discard, discard.
Love will say, “Only that beloved is precious; everything else has to be put aside.” And if your love rather makes you accumulative, possessive, more theoretical, more conceptual, more mired into the world, more attached to thoughts and philosophies, then it is not love at all.
Love is marked by a certain cleansing.
Love is marked by pushing you into impoverishment.