Knowing Love

Acharya Prashant
16 min readJan 16, 2022

The following excerpt is from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Acharya Prashant (AP): The need of mind to get Peace, to settle into Understanding, to be clear of noise and be seated in Silence, to not to feel lonely but Total — that is Love.

And because we all experience that need, we all are lovers. Had we not been experiencing that restlessness, that disquiet there would have been no question of love? So we, as we are, the mind as it is, is always attracted to something beyond itself. The mind is always attracted to something beyond itself.

The mind sees that it is chaotic, it wants an end to the chaos. The mind sees that it is restless, it wants an end to the restlessness. The mind sees that it is lonely, incomplete, it wants certain completion, it wants some suitable partner that would complete it.

The mind is tense, it wants something that would give it the deepest relaxation, that is the natural urge of the mind to want something that is outside of it. Inside the mind, there are the usual patterns, the daily rigmarole, the chaos, the disorders, the conditioning, the patterns, the fragments; the influences all of which are a burden upon the mind. The mind keeps seething under its own burden like a weak man who cannot take his own weight — that is the situation of the mind.

The mind wants freedom

