Learn to cheat the ego.

Acharya Prashant
5 min readAug 18, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: I think I am very possessive about things and I am very rooted in this habit. I procrastinate real work by thinking that the real happens on its own. Right now I feel I stand too much trapped in habits, than I actually realise.

Please talk about breaking the habits and living a more aware life.

Acharya Prashant: Habits will remain. As long as you are alive, habits will remain. Do you know what is your most primitive habit? The breath, the heartbeat. These are your most primitive habits. They will remain.

Why did prakriti (nature) give habits to us? It gave habits so that certain things can happen without thought. It is for the sake of efficiency. Habits in prakriti are a time-saving measure.

There are so many things that you do out of habit. If you do not do them out of habit, you will have to think over them and that will waste your time. That is the logic of prakriti.

Prakriti says, “Because these things have to be any way done, why mull over them? Why keep pondering? Why involve decision-making where there can be only one decision? So prakriti has given you habits. She has given you habits so that you continue physically.

