Live with your loneliness, live with your disgust

Acharya Prashant
2 min readNov 1, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner: Can one be lonely even while being immersed?

Acharya Prashant (AP): Yes, of course. See, it is not a question of ‘Can one be or not?’, Whatever is there, is there. It is there, now, live with it; acknowledge it. Live with it without hoping for a change and then, let change happen if it has to.

Neither ask for it nor block it. Live with it without resentment, without resistance.

Q: But there is a disgust associated with that.

AP: Live with that disgust.

Disgust may be there but it is not mandatory upon you to be disgusted by the disgust.

It is not merely a wordplay, what I am saying is something real, experiential. Let the disgust be there, ‘Of course, the disgust is there, and it’s alright’.

The more you are comfortable with the disgust the more you will find that disgust finds no more purpose in living further.

Disgust came to disgust you and you are not disgusted, so, disgust commits suicide.


Disgust is defeated. It is only when you have role models, ideals and you compare your situations against…

