Love grows in fullness

Acharya Prashant
3 min readMay 14, 2023

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question (Q): Dear Sir, I am still not very clear about what ‘Love’ is. But Yes, what I have understood is that it has the pull energy. It pulls towards itself!

If a person is in love- be it his or her beloved, or the love for reading, or love for dance, for gardening or anything, when love pulls you, you are no more yourself. You transform from your old-self for the betterment.

‘Love’ as we understand in terms of a layman is:

“I love my car”,

“I love you, my darling”,

“I love my new phone”,

“I miss you my Wifey”,

“Scratch on my Honda is a scratch on my heart”,

“I thought you loved me”,

“6 months-** Happy Anniversary”

Is all the above ‘love’?

Acharya Prashant (AP): To understand ‘Love’, you will need to firstly rid yourself of all the ‘knowledge’ you have so far had about love.

You have been told that care, attachment, concern, togetherness, sameness, sacrifice etc. are what constitutes love. You have also been told that love is what happens ‘between’ two human beings, or ‘between’ a human being and something else…

