Love is not torment, and cannot torment
The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.
Question (Q): Dear Sir, I have read many theories on mind given by many philosophers. I have observed that these theories complicate the mind rather than simplify. What is the need for such elaborate theories based on thoughts and ideas?
Acharya Prashant (AP): If the mind is not active, even the desire to be liberated won’t be there. In a way, we must be grateful that the mind is chanchal, restless, and desirous.
Thereafter comes the role of one’s discretion(intelligence). Having seen that the mind is desirous and reactive, what direction does one give to the desire? Mind is desire, but mind is also the faculty that can observe and understand the desire.
To give a theory is not bad, but to give a lousy theory is not very good either. We know all theories are untrue, but we would still benefit from a good, robust theory. The theory regarding mind, for example, the theory regarding conditioning, and the theory regarding Brahm. That is the wholeness of action.
Q: Sir, I have heard so many times about how our thoughts are fragmented and competing with one another, how every action from the conflicted mind brings sorrow. Is there an action which is not in conflict?