Meat may help your body, but it hinders your liberation

Acharya Prashant
2 min readJun 21, 2020

Stuff like meat eating — from an evolutionary perspective probably it is good, probably. Probably research might establish that a certain amount of meat consumption is indeed good for the body and it might be established beyond any doubt.

Similarly, it might be established beyond doubt that those who stop consuming milk and meat products altogether, do actually face some physical dangers. It might be established. Now, that’s the call that you have to take.

What is it that you want to take care of? Your body or your bondages? What is it that you give more weightage to? Your body or your bondages?

If you give more weightage to your body, then you must have meat and milk and such things and it’s no point trying to prove on scientific and medical grounds that meat eating is disastrous, and that milk is entirely harmful. It probably is not, most probably it is not. Most probably, those who do eat meat, will indeed perform better in tests of physical endurance and strength and athleticism and such things. If not better, then at least they will perform as well as, as good as comparable to the ones who shun meat.

So, certain things cannot be done purely from the point of view of evolution or physical benefits or such things. Meat may indeed help your body, but it hinders your

