Mind and Technology

Acharya Prashant
14 min readSep 20, 2020

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Question: I want to ask something about the generation of Wi-Fi, What is doing that with people, with the earth, with all those invisible things (Swirls hand in air). If you can say something.

Acharya Prashant (AP): Do you mean the technical aspects of that, or, are you really bothered about what the continuous prevalence and availability of information, is doing to the human mind?

Listener: Yes (latter).

AP: So, it is not the particular technology that you are talking about, you are rather talking of the continuous bombardment of information on man’s mind.

Man has an urge to keep absorbing, to keep sucking in stuff from outside. Now, why does that happen? That happens because of a certain fear. A fear that if I do not know, then I will miss out, that if I do not know then there would be something reduced from my being. So, you want to know. Knowledge makes you feel happy, complete, confident.

The technology that you just named, and the technology will change, so it is not about one particular technology, it is about the basic urge of man for knowledge, for information, for security. One keeps on feeling that way. The question is, “What if no technology is made available?”

