Mind and the diversity of things || On Mundaka Upanishad (2021)

Acharya Prashant
21 min readMay 14, 2024

सप्त प्राणाः प्रभवन्ति तस्मात्सप्तार्चिषः समिधस्सप्तहोमाः । सप्त इमे लोका येषु चरन्ति प्राणा गुहाशया निहिताः सप्त सप्त ॥

sapta prāṇāḥ prabhavanti tasmātsaptārciṣaḥ samidhassaptahomāḥ sapta ime lokā yeṣu caranti prāṇā guhāśayā nihitāḥ sapta sapta

The seven breaths are born from Him and the seven lights and kinds of fuel and the seven oblations and these seven worlds in which move the lifebreaths set within with the secret heart for their dwelling place, seven and seven.

~ Verse 2.1.8

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अतः समुद्रा गिरयश्च सर्वेऽस्मात्स्यन्दन्ते सिन्धवः सर्वरूपाः । अतश्च सर्वा ओषधयो रसश्च येनैष भूतैस्तिष्ठते ह्यन्तरात्मा ॥

ataḥ samudrā girayaśca sarve’smātsyandante sindhavaḥ sarvarūpāḥ ataśca sarvā oṣadhayo rasaśca yenaiṣa bhūtaistiṣṭhate hyantarātmā

From Him are the oceans and all these mountains, and from Him flow rivers of all forms, and from Him are all plants, and sensible delight which makes the soul to abide with the material elements.

~ Verse 2.1.9

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पुरुष एवेदं विश्वं कर्म तपो ब्रह्म परामृतम् । एतद्यो वेद निहितं गुहायां सोऽविद्याग्रन्थिं विकिरतीह सोम्य ॥

