On Advaita Vedanta: The mind is your shadow

Acharya Prashant
4 min readApr 22, 2022

The following excerpt is from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

Questioner (Q): You mentioned that mumukṣā (deep desire for liberation) is what matters when we choose a path for liberation. But the mind is always playing games. Once I do things against its comfort, it tries to make up stories, and create random, non-existent problems for me. Should I listen to my mind? Should I ignore it? Should I be neutral with what it does and just watch? Please guide.

Acharya Prashant (AP): This is how you are looking at it: You are saying that whenever you try for liberation, whenever you move towards liberation, the mind tries to disturb and distract you. You are saying it cooks up stories, it creates random, non-existent problems, and it starts playing various games to disturb and distract you. That may not really be the case.

You see, it’s like this. The mind has had experiences. It proceeds only on the basis of experiences it has had; it has nothing else. The little self, the ego is nothing without time. And what it has been doing through the course of time? It has been interacting with the world. Time means a relationship now and a relationship then; something happening right now and something happening later on. That is time.

