On Mundaka Upanishad: Consciousness and the material
Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.
तस्माच्च देवा बहुधा संप्रसूताः साध्या मनुष्याः पशवो वयांसि ।
प्राणापानौ व्रीहियवौ तपश्च श्रद्ध सत्यं ब्रह्मचर्यं विधिश्च ॥tasmācca devā bahudhā saṃprasūtāḥ sādhyā manuṣyāḥ paśavo vayāṃsi
prāṇāpānau vrīhiyavau tapaśca śraddha satyaṃ brahmacaryaṃ vidhiścaAnd from Him have issued many gods, and demigods and men and beasts and birds, the main breath and downward breath, and rice and barley, and askesis and faith and truth, and chastity and rule of right practice.
~ Verse 2.1.7
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Acharya Prashant (AP): “And from Him have issued many gods, and demigods and men and beasts and birds, the main breath and downward breath, and rice and barley, and askesis and faith and truth, and chastity and rule of right practice.”
Basically, you and your entire world have come from Him. From Him have proceeded all you know of…