On Mundaka Upanishad: Immortality is when there is just sky and skyness

Acharya Prashant
10 min readMar 5, 2022

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

यस्मिन्द्यौः पृथिवी चान्तरिक्षमोतं मनः सह प्राणैश्च सर्वैः ।
तमेवैकं जानथ आत्मानमन्या वाचो विमुञ्चथामृतस्यैष सेतुः ॥

yasmindyauḥ pṛthivī cāntarikṣamotaṃ manaḥ saha prāṇaiśca sarvaiḥ
tamevaikaṃ jānatha ātmānamanyā vāco vimuñcathāmṛtasyaiṣa setuḥ

He in whom are inwoven heaven and earth and the mid region, and mind with all the life currents, Him know to be the one Self; other words put away from you: this is the bridge to immortality.

~ Verse 2.2.5

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Acharya Prashant (AP): “He in whom are inwoven heaven and earth and the mid-region,” everything between heaven and earth means everything in total, “and mind with all the life currents,” mind with all its stuff, “Him know to be the one Self; other words put away from you: this is the bridge to immortality.”

