On Mundaka Upanishad: Into that which is smaller than the atoms
Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.
यदर्चिमद्यदणुभ्योणु च यस्मिन्ल्लोकाऽनिहिता लोकिनश्च ।
तदेतदक्षरं ब्रह्म स प्राणस्तदु वाङ्मनः तदेतत्सत्यं तदमृतं तद्वेद्धव्यं सोम्य विद्धि ॥yadarcimadyadaṇubhyoṇu ca yasmiɱllokā’nihitā lokinaśca
tadetadakṣaraṃ brahma sa prāṇastadu vāṅmanaḥ tadetatsatyaṃ tadamṛtaṃ tadveddhavyaṃ somya viddhiThat which is the Luminous, that which is smaller than the atoms, that in which are set the worlds and their peoples, That is This, Brahman immutable: life is That, it is speech and mind. That is This, the True and Real, it is That which is immortal: it is into That that thou must pierce, O son, into That penetrate.
~ Verse 2.2.2
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Acharya Prashant (AP): The Upanishads are very practical conversations. They do not merely present…