On Mundaka Upanishad: The knot of a mismarriage that is to be severed

Acharya Prashant
14 min readMar 9, 2022

The following excerpt is from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

भिद्यते हृदयग्रन्थिश्छिद्यन्ते सर्वसंशयाः ।
क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन्दृष्टे परावरे ॥

bhidyate hṛdayagranthiśchidyante sarvasaṃśayāḥ
kṣīyante cāsya karmāṇi tasmindṛṣṭe parāvare

The knot of the heartstrings is rent, cut away are all doubts, and a man’s works are spent and perish, when is seen That which is at once the being below and the Supreme.

~ Verse 2.2.9

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Acharya Prashant (AP): “The knot of the heartstrings is rent,” hṛdayagranthi, “cutaway are all doubts, and a man’s works are spent and perish, when is seen That which is at once the being below and the Supreme.”

So, there is a condition that’s been talked of, and the result or the signs of that condition. What is the condition? “…when is seen That which is at once the lowest and the highest.” When you see that which is the lowest and the highest at once — not alternately, not…

