On Mundaka Upanishad: The name of the unending love affair

Acharya Prashant
11 min readJan 28, 2022

Following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

सत्येन लभ्यस्तपसा ह्येष आत्मा सम्यग्ज्ञानेन ब्रह्मचर्येण नित्यम् ।
अन्तःशरीरे ज्योतिर्मयो हि शुभ्रो यं पश्यन्ति यतयः क्षीणदोषाः ॥

satyena labhyastapasā hyeṣa ātmā samyagjñānena brahmacaryeṇa nityam
antaḥśarīre jyotirmayo hi śubhro yaṃ paśyanti yatayaḥ kṣīṇadoṣāḥ

The Self can always be won by truth, by self-discipline, by integral knowledge, by a life of purity; this Self that is in the inner body, radiant, made all of light, whom by the perishing of their blemishes the doers of askesis behold.

~ Verse 3.1.5, Mundaka Upanishad

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Acharya Prashant (AP): Verse five.

“The Self can always be won by truth, by self-discipline, by integral knowledge, by a life of purity; this Self that is in the inner body, radiant, made all of light, whom by the perishing of their…

