On Shiva Sutra: Sushupti is the final frontier of Maya

Acharya Prashant
4 min readDec 17, 2021

The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.

अविवेको मायासौषुप्तम्

(Unconsciousness and lack of self-awareness create the illusion of deep sleep)

~Shiva Sutra (1.10)

Acharya Prashant (AP): Tenth Sutra, “अविवेको मायासौषुप्तम्” — Unconsciousness and lack of self-awareness create the illusion of deep sleep. That which we call ‘deep sleep’ is the final frontier of ‘Maya’ because it gives the illusion that, no objects remain. So, it appears so much like Samadhi.

Sushupti is the final frontier of Maya. Do you know what is ‘Maya’? What is ‘Maya’? –Illusion.

Why is Maya mentioned only in the context of ‘Sushupti’? Because only in ‘Sushupti’ do you feel that ‘Maya’ has vanished. If the objects are illusory then you feel and see no objects in Sushupti. So, only in Sushupti, can you be assured that because objects are not there so ‘Maya’ too is not there.

‘Maya’ expresses herself through objects. In Sushupti, in deep sleep, in dreamless sleep, the objects vanish. If objects vanish, then it is easy to feel as if Maya herself has vanished.

