Passion cannot be activity-specific, passion is a way of life

Acharya Prashant
2 min readDec 11, 2019

When you say, ‘passion’, I will substitute this word with ‘Intelligent choice’. How to find out that I am passionate about? I will rephrase it and say that how to find out what is an intelligent choice? How to choose intelligently? The intelligent choice happens in the understanding of this moment, and the intelligent choice is not a dead choice. Not dead in the sense that it is capable of changing, day-to-day, moment-to-moment. Today you are capable to choose out of intelligence, it will surely come from your intelligence. You will surely be very passionate about this. Isn’t it obvious? But there is no guarantee that tomorrow the passion will be the same, very same.

You are asking me a definite answer assuming that there will be a definite passion. Life is not monochrome. There are a thousand colors in it, moment-to-moment. Do not restrict yourself to any one thing. Get rid of this concept that there is one passion and I must pursue it all my life. Do today what is right for today. Do tomorrow what is right for tomorrow and then you will be acting passionately today and you will be acting passionately tomorrow. You are listening, listen passionately. You are playing in the evening, play passionately.

Passion is moment to moment. It is not a constant thing. Let it change. It…

