Peace that comes and goes is not peace
The following is an excerpt from a samvaad (dialogue) session with Acharya Prashant.
Question: The mind creates so many illusions, so how to accept reality totally?
Acharya Prashant (AP): How do you know they are illusions? How do you know the mind creates illusions?
Listener (L): Doubts, like whenever I try to think this or something then illusions like intellect are all around you “You are not That”
AP: Intellect can give you arguments in support of being fake. But does intellect ever tell you that you are not being fake? Intellect will give you something to justify yourself. But will intellect ever tell you, “No this is not being fake?”
When you are being fake — kindly notice — there is always an element of deliberation in it. You know you are being fake.
You have to do it. It is not spontaneous. And when you are doing it deliberately obviously you know that this is not natural, this is fake.
When you are faking it, it always comes with a certain effort. Be sensitive to yourself and you will detect that effort. When you are lying you have to put in a certain effort. Don’t you have to? You have to put pressure on memory, you have to build up a story and all that requires? Effort; you know that you are lying. Whereas you…